Ford Focus manuals

Ford Focus Service Manual: Upper Arm

Item Part Number Description
1 5500 Upper control arm
2 W500744 Upper arm inboard bolt
3 W500744 Upper arm outboard bolt
4 W709634 Shock absorber lower bolt


NOTICE: Suspension fasteners are critical parts because they affect performance of vital components and systems and their failure may result in major service expense. New parts must be installed with the same part numbers or equivalent part, if replacement is necessary. Do not use a replacement part of lesser quality or substitute design. Torque values must be used as specified during reassembly to make sure correct retention of these parts.

  1. Remove the wheel and tire. For additional information, refer to Section  204-04.
  1. Remove and discard the shock absorber lower bolt.
  1. Remove and discard the upper arm inboard bolt.
  1. NOTE:

    Note the position of the upper arm to aid installation.


    Position the shock absorber as necessary to remove the upper arm.

    Remove the upper arm outboard bolt and the upper arm.
    • Discard the bolt.


  1. NOTE:

    Position the shock absorber as necessary to install the upper arm.


    Do not tighten the bolt at this time.

    Position the upper arm and loosely install the new upper arm outboard bolt.
  1. NOTE:

    Do not tighten the bolt at this time.

    Loosely install the new upper arm inboard bolt.

  1. NOTE:

    Do not tighten the bolt at this time.

    Loosely install the new shock absorber lower bolt.

  1. Install the wheel and tire. For additional information, refer to Section  204-04.
  1. Lower the vehicle until the weight of the vehicle is resting on the wheels and tires.
  1. Tighten the upper arm inboard bolt to 115 Nm (85 lb-ft).
  1. Tighten the upper arm outboard bolt to 115 Nm (85 lb-ft).
  1. Tighten the shock absorber lower bolt to 103 Nm (76 lb-ft).
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